Saturday, January 30, 2010

Testing the waters again

It's been a long time since I've written anything here. In fact, I'd pretty much completely gotten out of practice with writing. However, the birth of my son had me looking for ways to express my feelings and keep track of them for the future (when he's a teenager and I'm trying to remember why I didn't strangle him as an infant) and I started

I've been keeping updates going daily for over a week now and I think I'm almost ready to start expanding again. The key to writing, after all, is just that: writing. If you write something every day, it becomes easier to write. Like any skill, it takes practice and even the most naturally gifted writers who don't hone their art pale in comparison to an ungifted writer who works hard at the craft.

I'm not going to try to post to this blog every day, but as I start testing the writing waters again, I want to keep track of what's going on. I've also got a bunch of reviews to write up for, so maybe I'll finally be able to get that going properly.

In the meantime, I have an important post to write, so until later...

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