Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Delays and new happenings

Well, life being what it is, I haven't been able to sit down and write out an update since Friday. Without bringing too much of my personal life into it, let's just say that it's been entirely too busy, recently. However, there has been an event of some note in the world of my writing career.

I'm a member of a few groups that deal with things I feel strongly about. The most notable is the World Future Society. But the one that is closest to my heart is the Heinlein Society.

For those who don't know about it (which I suspect is a majority of my audience), the Heinlein Society is an organizaton that was started by the widow of the speculative fiction writer Robert Heinlein before she passed away. The main purpose of the group is to take what enrichment they have taken from Heinlein's philosophies and works and pay it forward by seeking to do what they can to make te world a better place.

This 'payment' takes many forms, but primarily the work is focused on the promotion of education through the form of getting more books into libraries and the creation of scholorship programs. They also have an annual blood drive and have recently given the first 'Heinlein Prize,' an award created to honor achievements towards promoting the commercial development of space and space flight, a subject that was very dear to the heart of the late writer.

And how does this impact my career? Well...they need a newsletter editor. Or, I hope, needed. I spoke with the president and chairman of the Society yesterday and, while my qualifications are not exactly iron clad, it's a volunteer position and no one else has stepped up. So, pending a final approval, it looks like I'm going to be given an opportunity.

For more information on the Heinlein Society, check out

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