Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday - I manage to continue my experiment

I've gone into some of the details behind why I started this blog. One of the reasons I didn't mention, though, was something I've been lax about for a long time.

One of the most important lessons I've ever neglected to heed is that writers need to write. Every day, you need to write something. Even if it's garbage, the act of putting words on paper (or an online outlet) is absolutely essential. It's like any other sort of activity: you need to train to get better.

So I'm making sure that I post here at least every week day with an attempt to post on the weekends, as well. After all, it's tough to show people what you can do if you're not doing it.

I might post some more today, if I get inspired. I have some things about customer service that have been rolling around in my head since I started listening to 'The World is Flat' on audiobook.

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